31 August 2024

Render Function Components

Render function components in Vue.js provide a flexible and powerful way to control the rendering process. They are particularly useful in situations where the standard template syntax is insufficient or cumbersome. Render functions are typically only used in reusable components that need to deal with highly dynamic rendering logic.

Here are the key scenarios where render function components are useful:

Dynamic Content Generation: When you need to generate dynamic content that heavily relies on runtime data or conditions, render functions offer the necessary flexibility. For instance, they are ideal for building dynamic lists or trees where the structure of the output is determined at runtime. Additionally, render functions are useful for creating complex forms with conditional fields and dynamic validation rules, allowing for a highly responsive and adaptable user experience.

Advanced Rendering Logic: Render functions allow you to implement advanced rendering logic that might be difficult or impossible with template syntax. This includes conditional rendering with complex conditions and iterating over objects or arrays with custom filtering, mapping, or sorting. By using render functions, you gain greater control and flexibility in how your Vue components are rendered, enabling you to handle more sophisticated and dynamic scenarios effectively.

Custom Elements and Directives: When creating custom components that need to manipulate the Virtual DOM directly or use custom directives, render functions provide a straightforward approach to achieving this. For instance, they are useful for implementing custom transition effects or animations and for integrating third-party libraries that require direct interaction with the Virtual DOM. Render functions give developers the control and flexibility needed to handle these advanced use cases effectively.

Performance Optimization: In performance-critical applications, render functions can offer more control over the rendering process, potentially leading to more optimised and efficient code. This is particularly useful when fine-tuning the rendering process to avoid unnecessary re-renders or when implementing memoization and other performance enhancement techniques. By leveraging render functions, developers can achieve a higher level of performance optimization in their Vue applications.

JSX Integration: Developers who are familiar with React and JSX may prefer using render functions with JSX syntax due to their familiarity and flexibility. This approach can simplify the transition to Vue for these developers. Additionally, render functions allow for the creation of multiple components within a single file, offering greater versatility and organisation in component development.

Render function components in Vue.js are powerful tools for handling complex and dynamic rendering scenarios. They should be used when you need advanced rendering logic, custom element manipulation, performance optimization, or prefer JSX syntax. By leveraging render functions, you can achieve greater control and flexibility in your application's rendering process, leading to more dynamic and efficient user interfaces.

Render Function Example

Here's an example of the same Numeric Input component implemented using a render function:

Render functions can initially seem challenging to read, but once you break them down, you'll notice how each virtual DOM node is dynamically constructed, nested, and rendered using the h() function, also known as createVNode(). Since creating virtual nodes is a frequent task when writing render function components, Vue provides the shorthand h() (short for hyperscript) to simplify this process.

Render Function Component
quantity: ref(0)
Reactive Input As a Render Fn Component

The power of h() lies in its flexibility. You can render both native HTML tags and custom Vue components.

The h() function takes three main arguments: the first is the tag name or component to be rendered, the second is an object containing props or attributes, and the third is the child or children nodes to be rendered inside the component or element.

Render Function SyntaxRender Function Syntax

By using render functions, you gain fine-grained control over the component's output, enabling you to dynamically create and arrange elements based on the application's state or logic like how we show and hide validation error messages in our example.

You can view the full example of the Numeric Input component written using a render function here.

// /components/v3/InputAsRenderFn.js
export default {
  setup(props, { emit }) {
    const inputElement = () => // this has to be a function to be reactive
      h('input', {
        value: quantity.value | 0,
        onInput: (event) => { /* ... */},

    // Must be fn for reactive value: quantity.value
    const NumericInput = () => h('div', {},

    return () => [
      h('div', { class: "" }, [NumericInput()])

Another example of a render function component is the fill-in-the-banks component on my pariksha.io platform, where the positions of the blank spaces need to be determined at runtime. The placements of the blanks are dynamic and different for each questions, and most importantly, blanks are not known upfront because they are determined at a runtime. This makes for the perfect use-case for the render function.